Two-Thirds Say COVID-19 Situation Is Getting Worse in US: Gallup

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Two-thirds of Americans say the coronavirus situation is getting worse as delta variant cases have overrun hospitals across the country, a new Gallup poll shows.

The poll found 68 percent of adults say the coronavirus situation is worsening, a significant reversal from June, when 89 percent of adults said they thought the coronavirus situation was getting better, The Hill reported.

Currently, only 15 percent of respondents said they believe the coronavirus is getting better.

This is the third-lowest point for public confidence during the pandemic, after July 2020 and November.

There is a slight partisan divide in the results: 84 percent of Democrats believe the coronavirus situation is worsening, while only 51 percent of Republicans.

The increased fear of a worsening pandemic situation comes as vaccinations have slowed in the US while the delta variant has caused a spike in infections nationwide.

Many states are seeing a strain on their hospitals, and some governors have begun calling in the National Guard and the Federal Emergency Management Agency for backup.

Currently, 39 percent of Americans are somewhat or very worried about catching the coronavirus, with 24 percent “completely” or “mostly” staying in their homes.

Masking is still the most popular mitigation, with 69 percent of individuals wearing a mask outside their home.

The spike in cases caused the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to reimplement recommendations for fully vaccinated individuals to wear masks indoors in areas with high COVID-19 transmission.

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