President: Iran Ready for Broad Cooperation with Europe Starting with France

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi expressed the country’s readiness for comprehensive cooperation with Europe, saying such interaction could begin with the promotion of economic and trade ties with France.

In a telephone conversation with his French counterpart Emmanuel Macron on Sunday, Raisi welcomed the idea of reconsideration of relations between Tehran and Paris and the beginning of a new era of mutual ties and regional cooperation between the two countries.

He also noted that Iran welcomes the expansion of economic and trade relations with France, saying the Islamic Republic is prepared to work in comprehensive cooperation with Europe, starting with France.

Elaborating on the efforts made by countries in the region and elsewhere in the world to fight terrorist groups, especially Daesh (ISIL or ISIS), the Iranian president said Daesh has been created and is still being supported by the US.

“Americans must be held to account before the world’s public opinion for supporting Daesh and new terrorism,” Raisi said.

Denouncing certain countries for dividing terrorism into good and bad categories, he added, “The Islamic Republic of Iran condemns terrorism in all its forms and from our standpoint, there is no difference between Daesh in Damascus, Daesh in Iraq and the Daesh-Khorasan branch.”

President Raisi then turned to the current situation in Afghanistan following withdrawal of foreign forces, saying that the US made a “big mistake” in Afghanistan and 20 years of the country’s occupation brought nothing to the Afghan people.

"Under the current circumstances, all should help establish an inclusive government in Afghanistan representing all groups, and we must allow the people of Afghanistan to decide their own destiny,” he noted, Press TV reported.

The Iranian president also said the military intervention by the US and NATO in Afghanistan was a failed policy, stressing the importance of preparing the necessary grounds for Afghan groups to achieve a model of government acceptable to all Afghans.

“The Islamic Republic of Iran is ready to help establish peace, tranquility and security while preventing fratricide in Afghanistan,” he stated.

Elsewhere in his remarks, President Raisi pointed to the Vienna talks aimed at reviving the 2015 Iran nuclear agreement, saying, “We are not opposed to useful negotiations, but the goal and result of negotiations should be removal of sanctions imposed on Iran. Negotiations for the sake of negotiations are futile.”

The French president, for his part, pointed to the ongoing developments in Afghanistan, saying that in his opinion, any future government in Afghanistan must arise from the national will of the people while the Taliban should respect human rights and the country’s international commitments.

Referring to the situation in Lebanon, Macron emphasized further cooperation among Iran and France, along with the Hezbollah resistance movement, to establish a powerful and efficient government in the country.

Macron also expressed hope that the Vienna talks would start soon with Iran’s participation.