Iran Warns of Impotence of Minority Government in Afghanistan

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Afghanistan does need an inclusive government to ensure peace and stability, Iranian Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Saeed Khatibzadeh said, cautioning that a minority government won’t be able to guarantee maximum cooperation in the long run.

Speaking to reporters at a press conference on Monday, Khatibzadeh reiterated the need for the formation of a broad-based government in Afghanistan, one that is capable of ensuring peace and stability.

“No minority government can create maximum cooperation, peace, stability and calm in the long term,” he stressed.

Highlighting Tehran’s opposition to any approach that would result in fratricide in neighboring Afghanistan, he said nobody can replace dialogue with war and violence.

Asked about the Taliban’s possible move to invite Iran to attend the inauguration of their government and the probability of recognition of the Taliban by Tehran, Khatibzadeh said it was too early to make any comment.

“We must observe the formation of the future government of Afghanistan, then we will make decisions about other issues. We will decide about the Taliban’s request and invitation according to their performance,” the Iranian spokesman added.

He further said Iran is among the few actors that has kept contacts with all parties in Afghanistan, urging regional and extra-regional parties to facilitate the intra-Afghan negotiations.

“The people of Afghanistan do not accept the presence of foreign forces on their soil,” he said, adding that Iran is determined to strengthen ties with the Afghan people and help them fulfill their demands.

Khatibzadeh also said the Iranian Foreign Ministry has set up a high-profile headquarters with a special envoy focusing on Afghanistan following the recent crisis in the neighboring state, stressing that Afghan nationals should not be deprived of the necessary contacts and consular services offered by Iran.

Following the takeover of Afghanistan by the Taliban, Iran has insisted on the formation of an inclusive and broad-based government in Kabul that would represent all Afghan ethnic groups and parties.