Iranian Committee Convenes in Case of General Soleimani Assassination

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – A special committee comprising representatives of various Iranian administrative and military organizations convened in Tehran to pursue the legal and international actions in the case of the American assassination of top Iranian commander Lt. General Qassem Soleimani.

Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amirabdollahian hosted the Tuesday meeting at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

The special committee, including directors and representatives of the Iranian judicial, political, security, legal and military organizations, was held in the presence of a representative of the late Iranian commander’s family.

The participants expressed their views about pursuing the case of the US crime and gave reports about their respective organizations’ measures in working on various aspects of the case.

Stressing the need to keep alive the memory of Lt. General Soleimani as a national and international hero of the fight against terrorism and condemn the US’ role in committing the unforgivable crime of assassinating the top commander, Amirabdollahian said one of the definite policies of Iran is to follow up the case until the state-sponsored terrorists in the case are brought to justice.

He also stressed that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs will keep working vigorously on the legal, political and international aspects of the assassination case.

Lt. General Soleimani, the former commander the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps Quds Force, was martyred together with his companions in a US drone strike that targeted Baghdad in January 2020. The attack came while General Soleimani was paying an official visit to the Iraqi capital.

The strike had been directly ordered by former US president Donald Trump.

Among the other martyrs were senior Iraqi counterterrorism commander, Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis.