Iran’s UN Envoy Urges Immediate Removal of Sanctions on Syria

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Iran’s deputy ambassador to the United Nations called for an immediate and full termination of the sanctions that have added to the suffering of the Syrian people.

Ambassador and Deputy Permanent Representative of Iran to the United Nations, Zahra Ershadi, delivered a speech to the UN Security Council meeting on Wednesday.

In her address, Ershadi urged the immediate removal of sanctions against Syria, stressing that looting of the Arab country’s oil and wealth must end.

She said the Syrian people have been suffering for over 10 years from negligence towards humanitarian issues.

Making a positive assessment of the UN Secretary General’s trip to Syria, the Iranian envoy hailed the efforts made by the Syrian government and humanitarian entities and the sacrifices made by a soldier who died when clearing the way for a humanitarian convoy.

The Iranian envoy then urged immediate and full implementation of Resolution 2585 and also the immediate and complete removal of sanctions that have exacerbated the humanitarian situation in Syria, IRNA reported.

Looting of Syria’s oil and wealth must be stopped, water must not be weaponized and the return of the displaced persons must be facilitated, Ershadi stressed.

She said the ultimate solution in Syria would be an end to the war, the exit of all uninvited foreign forces, defeat of terrorists, and securing Syria’s territorial integrity, unity and political independence.

The diplomat further recited the UN Envoy’s shocking story of a boy suffering from cancer, hospitalized in a rural clinic in Syria without electricity, water or medicine.

Ershadi also emphasized that Iran will continue to help the Syrian people and government to overcome what they are facing.