Iranian President Holds Meeting with World Leaders at SCO Summit

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Leaders from eight member states and four observer states took part at 21st meeting of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) Council of Heads of State in Dushanbe, Tajikistan's capital.

The annual summit of the Eurasian political, economic, and security alliance was attended by President Ebrahim Raisi of Iran and his counterparts from Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Belarus, Pakistan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan.

Virtual addresses were given by the presidents of Russia, India, China, and Mongolia.

The participants decided to grant Iran full membership in the SCO and Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and Egypt the status of dialog partners.

Sanctions Unable to Stop iran

During a meeting on the sideline of the summit with his Uzbek counterpart, Shavkat Mirziyoyev on Friday, President Raisi underlined the need for the removal of Western sanctions against Iran.

"Although these sanctions have not been able to stop Iran's progress, Tehran is trying to have them removed," Raisi said.

Raisi further reiterated Iran’s support for the formation of an inclusive Afghan government with the participation of all factions.

He also said that economic ties between Iran and Uzbekistan are lagging behind their political relations, adding Tehran wants enhanced ties with Tashkent.

Iran-Armenia Economic Interaction

Iranian President also held a meeting with the Prime Minister of Armenia Nikol Pashinyan at his residence in Tajikistan this morning, where he stressed the need to increase the current level of economic relations between Iran and Armenia.

“The formation of specialized work groups on economic issues, including in the field of energy exchange, transportation, joint production projects and financial exchanges can be a suitable stimulus and a turning point in improving the level of interaction between the two countries,” Raisi added.

Referring to the capacities of industrial sector and private sector of Iran to provide Armenia with its goods and services, President Raisi stated, "Specialised work groups should advance agreements and economic cooperation based on a timetable to remove the possible problems and obstacles in the implementation of these agreements”.

The Prime Minister of Armenia also welcomed the development of relations with neighbors as one of the principles of his country's foreign policy, and described the role of the Islamic Republic of Iran in regional relations as very constructive and added, "Iran's role in the region has always contributed to stability and we welcome Iran's initiatives to resolve regional issues".

Impelementation of Tehran, Minsk Agreements

Speaking in another meeting with President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko on Thursday evening on the first day of his visit to Tajikistan, President Raisi stressed that the priority of his government was economic, adding, "I seek to develop economic relations in the region and I have instructed the economic and technical ministers to pursue the implementation of joint agreements".

"Tehran and Minsk have very good grounds and capacities to deepen relations, and good and constructive bilateral political relations can help to make these capacities operational more and more quickly,” Raisi added.

Referring to the US government's acknowledgment of the failure of the policy of maximum pressure against the Iranian people, Iranians president also said that the development of regional relations is one of the ways to counter sanctions, and countries like Iran and Belarus have found ways to overcome sanctions.

Additionally, on Thursday, Raisi held talks with the Iranians residing in Tajikistan, telling them that they have an important role in expanding and deepening Iran's relations with other countries.

Iran’s exports of goods and services to other countries, particularly neighbors, can be an important factor in enhancing the level of Tehran’s foreign relations, he said.