Iran Offers to Cooperate with Nicaragua against US Sanctions

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amirabdollahian condemned the US sanctions against Nicaragua as well as American interference in the internal affairs of the Latin American nation, expressing Tehran’s readiness for cooperation with Managua in countering the cruel US sanctions.

The top Iranian diplomat held a meeting with his Nicaraguan counterpart Denis Moncada on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly in New York on Thursday.

Pointing to the history of the struggles of the two nations and the victory of the Islamic Revolution and the Nicaraguan Revolution that happened months apart, Amirabdollahian said all this brought the two nations closer to each other.

The Iranian foreign minister also condemned the US sanctions against Nicaragua, most notably the recent bans that were approved by the US Congress, and also any foreign interference in the country’s internal affairs.

He also stressed that Iran is ready to further help Nicaragua in the fight against the oppressive sanctions.

On the bilateral ties, Amirabdollahian said the current level of Iran-Nicaragua relations is good and political ties are also making progress.

He then expressed hope that economic relations would reach the level of political ties, welcoming the notion of holding a joint commission.

The Iranian foreign minister then underlined the need for expanding trade ties between Iran and Nicaragua, especially regarding the export of urea, gas, petrochemical products and medicines to Nicaragua.

For his part, Moncada extended the Nicaraguan president’s warm greetings to Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi.

He described telephone conversations between the two presidents as very positive and constructive and thanked Iran for its support for Nicaragua.

The top Nicaraguan diplomat also declared his country’s readiness for extensive cooperation with Iran in different fields.

Moncada finally called for the joint commission of Iran and Nicaragua to be held as soon as possible, according to the Iranian Foreign Ministry’s website.