Cuba A Strategic Partner for Iran: FM

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – The foreign minister of Iran described Cuba as a strategic partner in all aspects for the Islamic Republic.

“Cuba is now a strategic partner with all necessities and in all aspect for the Islamic Republic of Iran,” Foreign Minister Hossein Amirabdollahian said in a meeting with his Cuban counterpart Bruno Rodriguez Parrilla, held on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly in New York on Friday.

Iran sees no limits to the expansion of ties with Cuba, Amirabdollahian stated.

He also noted that the new administration of Iran is pragmatic and seeks to implement the previous agreements with the Latin American country.

Amirabdollahian also condemned the US sanctions against Cuba.

For his part, Rodriguez hailed the close cooperation between the two countries in the production of a vaccine for the coronavirus, expressing Cuba’s readiness to broaden ties with Iran in all other sectors.

Calling for the removal of economic obstacles to the promotion of economic ties between Cuba and Iran, the foreign minister said close interaction would help the two nations defeat the cruel American sanctions.