Iran, Armenia to Develop New Road Map to Closer Ties

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amirabdollahian unveiled plans for a new road map leading to the expansion of relations with Armenia at the “strategic level”.

Speaking at a joint press conference with his Armenian counterpart Ararat Mirzoyan, held in Tehran on Monday, the Iranian foreign minister said they have held good and constructive negotiations.

Hailing the growing ties between Tehran and Yerevan and pointing to the agreements that the officials of the two neighbors have reached in various fields at the “strategic level”, Amirabdollahian said he and his Armenian counterpart have been assigned to develop a new road map to the enhancement of relations between the two countries.

“We have agreed today to expand relations in the political, economic, trade, cultural and tourism sectors,” the Iranian diplomat added.

He also noted that Iran and Armenia have outlined a new project to revive the transit of commodities and routes for the trucks traveling between the two neighbors, saying the plan will be carried out immediately.

Elsewhere, expressing concern about the presence of Zionists in the region, Amirabdollahian said while the South Caucasus region already suffers from a series of problems, the presence of Zionists would cause new serious concerns.

“We announce it loudly that we won’t allow certain actors to have an influence on the relations between Iran and its neighbors, including Armenia,” he underlined.

For his part, the visiting Armenian foreign minister said a very good future awaits Armenia and Iran considering the negotiations held in an atmosphere of friendship and mutual trust.

Pointing to a complete review of the regional developments in the meeting, Mirzoyan said the two neighbors have agreed to deepen their strategic relations.

He also pointed to the developments in the Nagorno-Karabakh region, deplored the presence of mercenaries from other countries in that region, and took a swipe at the Republic of Azerbaijan for refusing to release the prisoners of war following the most recent military clashes with Armenia.

Stressing the need to reopen all routes in the region after negotiations involving Russia and the Republic of Azerbaijan, Mirzoyan said Armenia is prepared for the reopening of all roads.

“Azerbaijan has a wrong perception and interpretation of negotiations, as there is talk of creation of Zangezur corridor. All of Azerbaijan’s measures in our region are threatening all efforts for peace,” the senior diplomat stated.

The Armenian foreign minister has visited Iran for a two-day working trip.

His visit comes against a backdrop of souring relations between Iran and the Republic of Azerbaijan, which has criticized Iran for staging military drills near the common border, closed a route inside Armenia to the Iranian vehicles, and has apprehended a number of Iranian truck drivers.