Khartoum Being Pressured by Washington to Normalize Ties with Tel Aviv

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – The US is reportedly exerting pressure on Sudan to officially normalize its relations with the Israeli regime, a process that is conditioned on a Sudanese parliamentary approval.

Reporting on Sunday, the Israeli regime’s public broadcaster Kan said, “Washington’s pressures come after a year, during which the United States invested money in Sudan, without making any real progress” in the normalization process.

The broadcaster’s report did not offer any details about either the type of the American “investment” in Sudan or the form of the pressure that was being applied by Washington upon Khartoum.

It, however, pointed to existence of “differences” between the military and civilian components of the Transitional Sovereign Council, which has been tasked with pro tempore running of the country’s affairs, over the normalization process.

Sudan agreed to sign a normalization agreement with the Israeli regime last October, a month after the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain signed such détente deals with Tel Aviv with Washington’s facilitation.

Back then, the Sudanese cabinet repealed a boycott law against Israel in April.

An official normalization deal has to be approved by the Sudanese parliament, which is yet to form given the fact that the African country is going through a period of transition.

Sudanese officials also refused to participate in the one-year anniversary of the so-called “Abraham Accords,” another name for the Arab-Israeli détente deals, last month.