Lebanon-Bound Fuel Tankers Escorted by Iranian Navy: Commander

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – The Iranian tankers carrying fuel to Lebanon have been escorted by the naval forces, Iran’s Navy Commander Rear Admiral Shahram Irani said.

In comments on Monday, Rear Admiral Irani highlighted the Iranian naval flotillas’ success in escorting the country’s trade vessels.

He said the Iranian tankers that have shipped consignments of fuel to Lebanon recently have been escorted by the Iranian Navy in the high seas.

The commander also noted that the Navy’s 78th flotilla, comprised of two destroyers, is currently stationed in the Gulf of Aden and the Red Sea to escort the fuel tankers that sail past the Suez Canal.

Although the enemies have staged war games in the Gulf of Aden to intimidate Iran, the Iranian Navy’s destroyers are constantly sailing across the Gulf of Aden to escort the oil tankers, Rear Admiral Irani said.

Iran has exported several shipments of fuel to Lebanon in recent weeks to help the Arab country cope with the shortage of fuel.