Syrians in Golan Reject Israeli Settlement Measures in Occupied Territory

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Residents in the occupied Golan Heights region reaffirmed their allegiance to their Syrian identity and rejected Israel’s efforts to establish any settlement project on their country’s territory.

"We proclaim, in the name of inhabitants of the occupied Syrian Golan, our rejection of any occupation project on our lands," Syrian citizens stated at a demonstration in Masa'ada village on Monday in protest against the Israeli regime’s practices, SANA reported.

They also emphasized their adherence to Golan soil and resistance against attempts by Israeli occupation to forcibly evict them from their land, as well as rejecting of new announcement by the Israeli occupiers for the settlement building project of 7,000 units on their land in order to increase the number of settlers from 40 to 100 thousand, in an attempt to alter the Golan's demographic and geographical features.

Syria has consistently underlined that the occupied Golan is an integral part of its territory and works to restore every inch of it using all available means, as it is an eternal and inalienable right.

The Syrian government also stressed its support for the people of the region in their resistance against the Israeli occupation and rejecting of their policy of plundering lands and properties in the Golan Heights, including the establishment of settlements on its lands in order to alter its demographic, geographical, and legal nature.