US, Allies Go Ahead with Policy of Replacing Undesirable CIS Governments: Lavrov

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – The United States and its allies go ahead with crude attempts at meddling in the CIS countries’ internal affairs, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov stated.

Their policy of replacing governments they find undesirable remains in effect, Lavrov said at the opening of the 17th conference of chiefs of the CIS countries’ security and intelligence services on Wednesday, TASS reported.

"Our solidarity is still more important in a situation where Washington and its allies continue crude attempts to intervene in the CIS countries’ internal affairs. Their policy of replacing governments they find undesirable remains in force, while the tactic of implementing it has changed," Lavrov said.

He warned that in the global scene the West was trying to ruin the UN-centric architecture and replace international legal norms by a rules-based order.

"The result of democratization efforts by our Western counterparts in Afghanistan and some other countries - Libya and Iraq - is more than obvious. Suffice it to recall our neighbor Ukraine, whose authorities have in fact placed the country into external administration," he concluded.