Turkish Forces Send Reinforcement to Syria's Idlib

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – A military convoy of at least 31 vehicles were sent to Turkish military points in Syria's Idlib in northwestern Syria.

The military reinforcement, which according to SANA combines logistics and military supplies, crossed into Syria through the Kafr Lusin crossing between Turkey and Syria.

Local sources told the Syrian Arab News Agency that the Turkish forces brought in two batches of vehicles including 31 trucks and military vehicles loaded with logistical equipment, ammunition, weapons and cement blocks, through Kafr Lusin village, adjacent to the Turkish border.

The sources pointed out that a number of Turkish vehicles were carrying qualitative weapons, including NATO-issued thermal anti-armor launchers and various anti-aircraft systems.

Last month, the Turkish forces brought in dozens of tanks and troop carriers to support their mercenaries from the terrorist organizations positioning in the areas of Jabal al-Zawiya in the southern countryside of Idlib and some areas in the western countryside of Aleppo, according to SANA.

The Turkish forces and its allied militants have controlled several areas in northern and northeastern Syria following an offensive against Kurdish forces last year.

Turkey also has military observation points in Idlib as part of a deal with Russia to observe the situation in northwestern Syria.