Iran Ready for Nuclear Cooperation with Muslim Nations: Spokesman

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – The spokesperson for the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran expressed the country’s readiness to work with the Islamic countries in the promotion of nuclear technology for peaceful purposes.

A group of foreign guests attending the 35th International Islamic Unity Conference in Tehran visited a nuclear medicine pharmaceutical factory and an exhibition of Iran’s achievements in the nuclear industry on Saturday.

Speaking to the visitors, the AEOI spokesman Behrouz Kamalvandi expressed Iran’s readiness to cooperate with the Islamic countries in the promotion of nuclear technology for the Muslim nations’ welfare.

He said such cooperation would pave the way for the “modern Islamic civilization”, as working shoulder to shoulder will help the Islamic community to mark a bright future.

Kamalvandi also highlighted Iran’s efforts to achieve the cutting-edge scientific technologies despite all hostile measures that it has faced at the international level.   

He finally noted that Iran has made great advances in all fields and technologies related to the nuclear industry, saying the Iranian scientists are working in various arenas including the discovery and extraction of uranium, production and enrichment of various nuclear fuels, construction of nuclear power plants, production of radio medicine, and application of nuclear technologies and laser in industries and agriculture.