Russia Concerned about Ambiguity in US Nuclear Threshold: Diplomat

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Russia is concerned about the fact that the United States is creating additional ambiguity on the issue of circumstances that permit the use of nuclear weapons, Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergey Ryabkov told the online Fort Ross Dialogue forum on Tuesday.

"We are concerned by the fact that in recent years the US side deliberately introduced additional ambiguity into the issue of what might be the circumstances under which possible use of nuclear weapons would be conceivable. We need more certainty here," the Russian deputy foreign minister said, TASS reported.

"On the Russian side, we have now three basic documents of a very recent date that give you an explanation in what extremely, extremely hypothetical circumstances the possible use of nuclear weapons could be conceived," he continued. "We are working towards elevating nuclear threshold."

"Hopefully, it would be reflected in the nuclear posture review that is ongoing in the US," Ryabkov added.

Washington is currently reviewing its policy towards the use of nuclear weapons, which remained unchanged since the Cold War. Discussions on the issue are expected to be completed by the end of the year.

Earlier, the US administration sent lists of questions to its allies to gain a better understanding of their stance while reviewing its nuclear posture. The majority of them spoke against any amendments. The matter was raised by former US President Barack Obama during his presidency as well, but he stopped short of introducing any changes amid discontent of US allies and military circles.