Vietnam Says It’s in Talks with Iran over Seized Oil Vessel

TEHRAN (Tasnim) - Vietnam foreign ministry spokeswoman Pham Thu Hang told a briefing that his country has been in talks with Iranian authorities over the seizure of an oil tanker off the Iranian coast during confrontation with American military forces.

According to the spokeswoman, the talks had taken place on a diplomatic level in Hanoi and Tehran "to verify information and settle the incident to ensure safety and humane treatment for Vietnamese citizens," Reuters reported.

The Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) on Wednesday released footage of its confrontation last month against a US act of piracy targeting an Iranian fuel shipment.

The incident took place on October 25, but news and footage of which were released on Wednesday.

During the episode, American forces confiscated the tanker that was carrying a cargo of Iranian oil in the strategic Sea of Oman, transferring its consignment of crude to another vessel.

The IRGC then staged a maritime operation against the second vessel, landing its helicopters on its deck and navigating the ship towards Iranian waters.

Afterwards, the US forces chased the oil tanker with several helicopters and warships, but their attempt ended in failure after the IRGC’s decisive and firm action.

The American forces once again tried to block the oil tanker’s path with more forces and additional warships, but their attempt ended in failure again.

The oil tanker is in Iran’s territorial waters at present.