IRGC Quds Force Commander Calls for Unity in Visit to Iraq

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – In a surprise visit to Baghdad, Commander of the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps Quds Force Brigadier General Esmaeil Qaani emphasized the necessity for unity and stability in Iraq after a recent assassination attempt against the Iraqi prime minister.

According to a report by Lebanon’s al-Mayadeen news network, which was published on Monday, the surprise visit took place on Sunday, during which Brigadier General Qaani met with the Iraqi Prime Minister Mustafa al-Kadhimi, President Barham Salih, a number of Iraqi ministers, and other high-ranking political officials and dignitaries.

In his meetings, the IRGC commander said Iraq needs to boost stability and maintain national unity, Press TV reported.

He stressed the importance of avoiding any action that would threaten Iraq's security.

The general also stressed the need for addressing the demands of Iraqi people and those protesting the results of the country's recent parliamentary vote.

He further called for the restoration of calm to Iraq after tensions in the country's political arena due to the refusal of some political blocs to recognize the results of the October parliamentary elections and the ensuing protests that resulted in casualties.

A drone laden with explosives allegedly targeted al-Kadhimi’s residence in Baghdad’s heavily-fortified Green Zone early Sunday, following which the Iraqi prime minister said he was unhurt while appealing for “calm and restraint.”

The Iraqi prime minister said later on Sunday that his government is well aware of the identities of the perpetrators of the attack on his residence.

The attack came two days after clashes at the entrance of the Green Zone during protests against the results of the country's October 10 general elections.

The clashes reportedly led to the deaths of several people and injured scores of others.