Removal of US Sanctions Top Priority in JCPOA Talks: Iranian Diplomat

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – An Iranian deputy foreign minister said the main priority in the upcoming round of Vienna negotiations on the revival of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action will be the effective removal of the illegal sanctions that the US has imposed on Tehran.

Iranian Deputy Foreign Minister Ali Baqeri held talks via video conference on Monday with his Chinese and Russian counterparts, Ma Zhaoxu and Sergei Ryabkov, on the upcoming talks about salvaging the 2015 nuclear deal.

The Iranian deputy foreign minister referred to Iran’s relations with Russia and China and the alignment of the three countries' positions on different international issues.

Baqeri pointed to the principled stance of the three countries on promoting multilateralism and countering unilateralism, stating that the oppressive US sanctions against Iran are the cost of countering unilateralism.

Baqeri said it is necessary that all sanctions in violation of the JCPOA be removed and actions contrary to Resolution 2231 be reversed in a verifiable manner and in line with Iran's economic benefits from the normalization of its economic and trade relations, the Foreign Ministry’s website reported.

He described this as a necessary condition for the success of the forthcoming negotiations.

The Iranian deputy foreign minister also referred to the recent consultations in France, Germany, Britain and Spain on the forthcoming talks, saying the effective removal of the illegal US sanctions is a key necessity and a high priority in the forthcoming talks.

In this video call, the deputy foreign ministers of Russia and China emphasized the need for continued consultations and coordination among the three countries on different issues. They said the US’ unilateral move to violate the agreement and re-impose sanctions against Iran is the main cause of current problems in implementing the 2015 nuclear agreement.