Iran Lauds Cuba on Foiling US Plot to Incite Unrest

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – The Iranian Foreign Ministry praised the rapport between the people and government of Cuba that resulted in the failure of a US plot to foment unrest in the Latin American country.

In a statement released on Tuesday, Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Saeed Khatibzadeh hailed the valuable solidarity and rapport between the Cuban government and nation that defeated the US plans to provoke countrywide unrest in Cuba.

He also condemned the US’ brazen interference in the internal affairs of independent and freedom-seeking nations, including Cuba, calling for an immediate end to the unilateral economic and financial sanctions that Washington has imposed on Havana.

“Those (US) sanctions have been imposed with the purpose of creating dissatisfaction among people, and while the United States is the root cause of the predicaments and livelihood problems of the Cuban people, it is portraying itself as the supporter of unrest in that country and has sought to blatantly interfere in the internal affairs of the Republic of Cuba with clear violation of the internationally stipulated law,” the spokesman added.

Expressing Iran’s solidarity with Cuba, Khatibzadeh denounced the illegal US sanctions as the main reason for the economic and livelihood troubles in Cuba.

If the US is sincere in its claim of supporting the people of Cuba, it must end the illegitimate economic and financial sanctions that have been in place against Cuba for more than six decades, the Iranian spokesman added.

“Just as the US’ destabilizing measures have ended in failure in recent days, the government and nation of the Republic of Cuba will overcome the problems ahead with resourcefulness and interaction with each other, and will thwart the dream of those interfering in the domestic affairs of Cuba about achieving their objective by destabilizing that country,” Khatibzadeh concluded.

On Monday, the US-backed opposition groups in Cuba called on people to take to the streets to demand what they called greater political freedoms and the release of inmates.

Havana has said Monday’s planned demonstrations were part of a months-long destabilization campaign by the US.

Cuban Foreign Minister Bruno Rodriguez has told Washington to stay out of Cuban affairs.