Iran Ready to Work with Pakistan on Formation of Inclusive Afghan Gov’t

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi expressed the country’s readiness for cooperation with Pakistan to contribute to the formation of an inclusive government in neighboring Afghanistan.

“The Islamic Republic of Iran supports the formation of an inclusive government in Afghanistan that would represent all Afghan people, ethnicities and political groups, and is ready for cooperation with Pakistan in this regard,” Raisi said in a meeting with his Pakistan counterpart Arif Alvi, held on the sidelines of the ECO summit in Turkmenistan on Sunday morning.  

Stressing the need to support the oppressed nations, especially the people of Afghanistan, Raisi said, "Twenty years of foreign presence in Afghanistan has not only not solved Afghanistan's problems, but has resulted in nothing but oppression, killing, looting and insecurity."

He also stressed the need to deliver humanitarian assistance to the Afghan people.

"We consider the presence of about four million Afghan refugees in Iran to be the result of American oppression of these oppressed people, and despite the problems and restrictions, we have welcomed them like Iranians," he added, the administration’s website reported.

"ISIL (terrorist group) is made by the Americans and they are using it to create insecurity in Afghanistan and the region, so we must stand against it,” he warned.

The Iranian president further referred to the common grounds and vast capacities for the development of Tehran-Islamabad cooperation, and said, "The two countries not only enjoy neighborly relations, but also have historical and cultural bonds, and the use of these capacities can contribute to the development of relations in the interest of the two nations and the progress and development of the region.”

The Iranian president voiced Tehran’s determination to develop and deepen comprehensive relations with Pakistan, saying, "We consider the relations and cooperation between the two countries inadequate given the potentials, and we are determined to activate these potentials.”

Referring to ample opportunities for cooperation, such as in the development of border markets, transit, transportation, energy and tourism, Raisi said, "The Islamic Republic of Iran has no restrictions on the development of relations with Pakistan."

For his part, Alvi said Pakistan seeks to develop economic and trade relations with Iran, adding, "Islamabad attaches importance to increasing the level of relations and cooperation with the Islamic Republic of Iran."

Highlighting the importance of border markets in expanding trade between the two countries, he added, "The Minister of Commerce of the Government of Pakistan has travelled to these areas for the prosperity of these markets and we are ready to work with Iran to increase the value of trade between Iran and Pakistan.”

"Pakistan, like the Islamic Republic of Iran, wants the formation of an inclusive government in Afghanistan and we consider cooperation necessary to establish peace in this country," he concluded.