P4+1 Agrees on Need to Address US Sanctions on Iran: Baqeri

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Iranian Deputy Foreign Minister Ali Baqeri, who is in Vienna for a new round of talks on the revival of 2015 nuclear deal, said all participants in the negotiations have agreed to focus on the need to lift the sanctions against Tehran.

The top Iranian negotiator made the remarks after the first meeting of the nuclear deal's participants in the Austrian capital on Monday.

Baqeri said he was optimistic after the first meetings in Vienna, adding that all parties agreed that focus of the talks should be lifting of sanctions imposed on Iran after the US unilateral withdrawal from the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA).

He added that the participants also agreed that a special working group should start its work on Tuesday to discuss "the removal of illegal and brutal sanctions" imposed on the Iranian nation.

"I believe that this is a great achievement that all member states of the P4+1 group accepted Iran's rightful request and emphasized that the state of the US regime's illegal sanctions against our people must be clarified first and then other issues be discussed," he added.

Baqeri further noted that guarantees should be given to Tehran that no new sanctions will be imposed on the country.

“During the meeting, we emphasized that the main factor behind the current conditions is actions taken by a country, which left the agreement in violation of the accord and the United Nations Security Council resolution (that upheld it), and also reinstated past sanctions (on Iran) in contravention of international laws and regulations while imposing new sanctions as well,” Baqeri said, Press TV reported.

Representatives from Iran and the remaining signatories to the JCPOA –the UK, France, Germany, Russia and China– ended the first meeting of the seventh round of discussions in Vienna on Monday. The negotiations were paused in June, when Iran held its presidential election. Since then, the new Iranian administration has been reviewing the details of the six rounds of discussions held under the previous administration.

Iran has already clarified that the talks will not focus on nuclear issues, noting that those issues were already been resolved through negotiations, which led to the conclusion of the JCPOA.