Iran Decries Push for Blame Game in Vienna Talks

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Iran’s top negotiator in the Vienna talks on the revival of the JCPOA lashed out at certain actors for persisting in the habit of blame game instead of exercising real diplomacy.

“Some actors persist in their blame game habit, instead of real diplomacy,” Ali Baqeri said in a post on his Twitter account on Tuesday.

“We proposed our ideas early, & worked constructively & flexibly to narrow gaps; diplomacy is a 2 way street. If there's real will to remedy the culprit's wrongdoing, way for quick good deal will be paved,” he noted.

The JCPOA was abandoned by former US president Donald Trump in May 2018. Trump then targeted Iran’s economy with what he called a “maximum pressure” campaign, which failed to compel Iran to negotiate a “new deal.”

Iran and the five remaining parties to the JCPOA -- Germany, Britain, France, Russia and China -- began the talks in the Austrian capital in April with the aim of removing the sanctions after the US, under President Joe Biden, voiced its willingness to return to the agreement.