Pakistani PM Highlights Iran’s Role in Ensuring Afghan Peace

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Prime Minister of Pakistan Imran Khan spotlighted the significant role that Iran plays in ensuring peace in the region and in Afghanistan, calling for the promotion of cooperation between Islamabad and Tehran in various fields.

In a meeting with Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amirabdollahian, held on the sidelines of an emergency session of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) in Islamabad on Sunday, the Pakistani prime minister said Iran plays an important role in the region and in the establishment of peace and stability in Afghanistan.

He also voiced Pakistan’s support for the formation of an inclusive government in Afghanistan, stressing the need to help the Afghan people considering a shortage of foodstuff and fuel in the wintertime.

Khan called for the promotion of cooperation between Pakistan and Iran in various fields, especially the expansion of border trade and establishment of border markets.

For his part, the Iranian foreign minister congratulated Pakistan on hosting the extraordinary ministerial meeting of the OIC, and emphasized the necessity of collective cooperation on the delivery of humanitarian aid to Afghanistan.

“The Islamic Republic of Iran, regardless of the political issues in Afghanistan, supports the delivery of humanitarian aids to Afghanistan and, in this regard, keeps its borders open and is ready for whatever cooperation with all countries to provide the Afghan people with the aids,” Amirabdollahian added.

He reiterated that formation of an inclusive Afghan government involving all ethnic groups will be the sole way to ensure peace and stability in Afghanistan.

Iran is prepared to work with the neighbors of Afghanistan, the regional countries, and the United Nations to facilitate the formation of a broad-based government in Afghanistan by the Afghans themselves, he stated.

Islamabad is hosting a ministerial meeting of the OIC members for talks on the crisis in Afghanistan.