New Round of Vienna Talks to Deal with Contents: Source

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – A source close to the Iranian team of negotiators in the Vienna talks on the revival of the 2015 nuclear deal said the parties will begin to work on the contents of a potential agreement in the forthcoming round of talks.

The source, speaking on condition of anonymity, said on Sunday that the Iranian team sought to stage a "powerful and well-prepared" presence in the talks, and "would stay in the Austrian capital as long as it is needed to."

The remarks came a day after the Iranian negotiation team is to travel to the city for an eighth round of talks aimed at removal of the US' illegal and inhumane sanctions against Tehran.

The previous rounds of the talks featured discussion about "general issues," the source said, adding that the upcoming talks was expected to focus on contents of a potential agreement.

"If the opposite side is (likewise) prepared to discuss the contents, we can (all) move forward," the source noted, Press TV reported.

"Iran is committed to conclusion of a good agreement in the shortest possible time space, but no factitious deadlines would serve to change the country's redlines," it said, asserting, "There is no emergency situation for us in the talks."

The progress that was made concerning the nuclear issues during the previous round of the talks indicates Iran's seriousness about interaction, the source pointed out, adding, "Now, it is the opposite sides' turn to show their good will as regards the issue of the sanctions."