Iran, Iraq Discuss Joint Investment in Transportation Projects

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – The president of Iraq and the Iranian road minister weighed plans for the promotion of economic cooperation between the two neighbors, especially in the transportation sector through joint investment programs.

Iran’s Minister of Road and Urban Development Rostam Qassemi and his accompanying delegation held a meeting with Iraqi President Barham Salih in Baghdad on Sunday.

Discussing plans to strengthen economic and trade relations between the two countries, the participants in the meeting explored avenues for cooperation in the air and land transportation industry through joint investment projects.

Earlier in the day, Qassemi held a meeting with Iraqi Minister of Transport Nasser Hussein al-Shibli.

The two ministers signed a contract to carry out a railroad project that connects Iran’s Shalamcheh to Basra in Iraq.

After the meeting, Qassemi said Iran and Iraq have agreed to double the number of direct flights.

He also noted that a joint venture between the Islamic Republic of Iran Railways and the Iraqi Republic Railways will be established within two months.