Assurances, Verification Main Topics of New Round of Vienna Talks: Iran’s FM

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – The new round of Vienna talks on the revival of the JCPOA revolves around ways to give Iran assurances that it will enjoy the economic benefits of the 2015 nuclear deal and to have the sanctions against Tehran lifted in a verifiable manner, the Iranian foreign minister said.

Speaking to reporters in Tehran on Monday, Hossein Amirabdollahian gave details of the subject that are going to be discussed in the fresh round of the JCPOA talks, which will begin in Vienna today.

According to the top diplomat, the main topics of the forthcoming round of talks will be “assurances and verification.”

“The new round of talks will begin in Vienna today. Today, we have a mutually acceptable document on the negotiating table, which we consider as the (result of) documents of December 1 and 15, about both the nuclear issue and the sanctions,” Amirabdollahian explained.

He said the June 2020 document has been left off the table, as a new joint document has been agreed upon. “As of today, our negotiation will start revolving around that joint document.”

The foreign minister noted that what matters the most to Iran is that the contents of the documents and the discussions would lead to the conclusion that Iran will be able to sell its oil easily and without any limits, receive the oil incomes in the form of foreign currency in its bank accounts, and enjoy all the economic benefits of the JCPOA in various sectors.

Iran and the five remaining parties to the JCPOA -- Britain, Germany, France, Russia and China -- resumed talks in Vienna on November 29 after a five-month hiatus, marking the first round of negotiations under President Ebrahim Raisi’s administration and the seventh overall.

During the seventh round of the Vienna talks, Iran presented two draft texts which address, separately, the removal of US sanctions and Iran’s return to its nuclear commitments under the JCPOA. Tehran also said it was preparing a third draft text on the verification of the sanctions removal.

The eighth round of the talks will begin in Vienna today.