Participants in Vienna Talks Agree to Prioritize Removal of Sanctions on Iran

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Iran’s top negotiator in the Vienna talks on the revival of the 2015 nuclear deal said the participants in the latest round of negotiations have agreed that priority should be given to the removal of sanctions on Iran in a verifiable manner and giving Tehran assurances.

Speaking to reporters after a meeting of the JCPOA Joint Commission in Vienna on Monday evening, Ali Baqeri said the representatives of different countries in the meeting have highlighted the significance and priority of working on subjects such as the removal of sanctions on Iran, the verification of termination of sanctions, and giving Iran assurances.

The top negotiator also noted that participants in the meeting, which preceded the eights round of the JCPOA talks, have noted that the previous round of talks has been successful, has made good progress and has provided a proper framework for the advancement of the talks.

According to the Iranian deputy foreign minister, the negotiations on Tuesday morning would focus on the lifting of sanctions and examine Iran’s proposals on the issues of verification and assurances.

“Thereafter, the subjects relating to the financial and banking sanctions (against Iran) will be discussed in the meetings of joint working groups between the representatives of the Islamic Republic of Iran and the P4+1 countries,” he added.

Representatives of Iran and the P4+1 –Russia, China, the UK, France, and Germany- began the eighth round of the Vienna talks on Monday after the previous round, the first under Iran's President Ebrahim Raisi, ended 10 days ago.