Military Action on Iran Unviable for Zionists, IRGC General Says

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – The recent military drill that the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps staged in southern Iran made the Zionist regime realize that it is absolutely out of question to take any military action against the Islamic Republic, the IRGC deputy chief said.

In an address to the Friday prayers worshippers in Tehran, IRGC Deputy Commander for Coordination Rear Admiral Ali Fadavi said the Israeli enemy has been frustrated by the power of Iran.

While the Zionist regime, encouraged by the US, made absurd comments until recently about confrontation with Iran, the prime minister of Zionists has issued a written directive after the recent Payambar-e Azam (The Great Prophet) war game on the prohibition of talking about military action against Iran, he noted.

The commander said the Israeli regime has realized that it is unable to do anything against Iran as the Americans have failed to do anything 43 years after the victory of the Islamic Revolution.

“Like a powerless, the Americans have now resorted to methods for the battle with the Islamic Revolution that reveal their frustration,” the commander said.

In remarks in November, IRGC Commander Major General Hossein Salami ruled out the possibility of a war against Iran, saying the enemy has become disappointed with military action on the Islamic Republic.

Military war on Iran has been dropped off the enemy’s list of options, the commander said, adding that the adversaries have instead targeted the Iranian people, their religion and their livelihood.

Earlier in September, the IRGC commander said the US is unable to take military action against Iran and warned that reconciliation would not stop the US from trying to harm the country.