No Place for Zionism in Future World: Iranian FM

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Iran’s top diplomat dismissed hostile comments from the Israeli regime’s foreign minister against Tehran, stressing that Zionism has no place in the future world.

In a post on his Twitter account on Monday, Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amirabdollahian shrugged off the comments from Yair Lapid that the Zionist regime “could attack Iran if necessary without informing the Biden administration.”

In an interview on Friday, Lapid claimed that “Israel has capabilities, some of which the world, and even some experts in the field, cannot even imagine.”

Dismissing Lapid’s comments, Amirabdollahian said that the senseless remarks made by the “fake Israeli regime against the great Iranian nation” are a dream that will never come true.

“We will defend the nation’s rights, interests and progress with power and wisdom,” Iran’s foreign minister said.

“Zionism has no place in the future world,” he emphasized.

The Israeli regime has never stopped advertising the threat of “military action” against Iran and falsely accusing the Islamic Republic of seeking to acquire non-conventional military capability, Press TV reported.

Iranian officials have repeatedly underscored that the Islamic Republic will not hesitate to build up its defense capabilities, emphasizing such abilities are entirely meant for the purpose of defense and will be never subject to negotiations.