Iran Eager to Work with Cuba against Sanctions

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – An Iranian vice president voiced the country’s willingness to promote cooperation with Cuba in nullifying the sanctions imposed by common enemies.

Iranian Vice President for Economic Affairs Mohsen Rezaei, who has traveled to Nicaragua to attend the inauguration of the Latin American country’s new president, held a meeting with Cuban President Miguel Diaz-Canel in Managua on Tuesday.

Referring to the importance of developing cooperation between Tehran and Havana in the political, economic, commercial, health, scientific and technological sectors, Rezaei highlighted the efforts made by the two countries' officials to improve the level of relations.

He also called for developing cooperation between Iran and Cuba in order to thwart the enemies' sanctions and their conspiracies against the nations.

Referring to the history of friendship and relations between the two countries, the Iranian VP emphasized the importance of reinforcing cooperation in the science, technology and trade fields.

He also pointed to effective cooperation between Iran and Cuba in the field of new technologies, fighting COVID-19, and producing joint vaccine, saying "We must neutralize the enemies' sanctions and their conspiracies against resistant nations by expanding cooperation.”

Iran respects the Cuban government and people and their resistance against the oppressors’ excessive demands, and is determined to strengthen relations with Cuba, he noted, the Iranian government’s website reported.

For his part, Diaz-Canel said the Cuban people and nation respect the rich Iranian culture and nation.

Calling for the expansion of ties with Iran in various fields, he added, "Joint cooperation between Iran and Cuba in fighting coronavirus and producing vaccine is a great success in combating enemies' sanctions and conspiracy."

Cuba supports Iran's right to peaceful use of nuclear energy, the Cuban president stated.