Palestinian Home Demolished by Israeli Forces in West Bank

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Another Palestinian home was demolished by Israeli forces on Sunday, in the latest spate of demolitions in the occupied West Bank, according to a local official.

The house was razed in the village of Al-Aqaba in the northern West Bank area of Al-Aghwar in the Jordan Valley, said Moataz Bisharat, who is responsible for monitoring Israeli settlement building activity in Tubas, Yeni Safak reported.

He said Israeli forces cited lack of a building permit in Area C for the demolition.

Israel widely uses the pretext of lack of construction permits to demolish Palestinian homes, especially in Area C in the occupied West Bank, which constitutes around 60% of its space.

Under the 1995 Oslo Accords between Israel and the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO), the West Bank, including East Jerusalem al-Quds, was divided into three portions – Area A, B, and C.

Area C is under the Tel Aviv regime’s administrative and security control until a final status agreement is reached with the Palestinians.

In another development from Occupied Palestine, the Israeli occupation forces arrested on Sunday morning and last night 13 Palestinians from several areas across the Occupied Jerusalem al-Quds, according to Quds News.

In Hizma town, northeast of the occupied city, three Palestinians were arrested by the Israeli forces who also raided their houses and searched them.

In the Al-Issawiya neighborhood, 7 Palestinians were arrested, including two brothers, after raiding their houses, searching them and turning them upside-down.

In the Al-Tur neighborhood, another 6 were arrested after raiding their houses.

Israeli occupation forces frequently raid Palestinian houses almost on a daily basis across the West Bank on the pretext of searching for “wanted” Palestinians.

In the year of 2021, Israel’ arrested nearly 8000 Palestinians, including 1300 minors, all under the age of 18, and 184 women.

There are now 4600 Palestinians held in Israeli occupation jails, including 34 women, 160 minors, and 500 administrative detainees held without charge or trial.