US Shedding Crocodile Tears for Yemen: Iranian Spokesman

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – The spokesperson for the Iranian Foreign Ministry denounced the US’ fake concerns for Yemen, saying the American arms sales to the Saudi-led military coalition only contributes to the cycle of violence.

In comments at a press conference on Monday, Saeed Khatibzadeh dismissed US Defense Department Press Secretary John Kirby’s voicing of concern about the so-called threat of Houthi Ansarullah movement in Yemen.

He said Iran is concerned about the lives of Yemeni people who have been hit by seven years of war.

The Islamic Republic is worried about the Yemeni children who are suffering from poverty and famine and struggling with basic needs, he added.

Khatibzadeh said the US, which is an accomplice in the military campaign against Yemen by supplying advanced arms and fighter jets and giving military advice, cannot feel sympathy for the Yemeni people.

“Such a cycle of violence must end. It won’t be solved with the sale of arms to the region,” the spokesman added.

He said it is clear to everyone that the US is shedding crocodile tears by selling arms to the invaders of Yemen and faking concern.

“The Islamic Republic of Iran invites all parties to peaceful solution and political dialogue to end the crisis in Yemen,” Khatibzadeh stated.

Saudi Arabia, backed by the United States and regional allies, launched the war on Yemen in March 2015, with the goal of bringing the government of former Yemeni president Abd Rabbuh Mansour Hadi back to power and crushing the Ansarullah movement.

The war has left hundreds of thousands of Yemenis dead and displaced millions more. It has also destroyed Yemen’s infrastructure and spread famine and infectious diseases there.

The Yemeni Ministry of Public Health stated that in January alone, coalition airstrikes killed at least 150 civilians and injured a further 350.