Canadian Truckers Defy Heavy Police Presence in Ottawa as Protests Continues (+Video)

TEHRAN (Tasnim) - Canadian truckers continued to barricade downtown Ottawa on Thursday to protest COVID vaccine regulations, despite an increased police presence at the 'freedom convoy' event and threats of fines and arrest.

At least four protesters were arrested, including two organisers of the convoy.

Officers had warned of an impending crackdown on Thursday, as busloads of police reinforcements arrived in the city and work crews took the rare step of erecting metal fences outside the senate and parliament.

Despite heavy rain, supporters flocked to Parliament Hill, while the mood of imminent confrontation receded. “I ain’t going anywhere,” said Pat King, one of protest organizers. “I haven’t overstayed my welcome. My taxes paid for me to be here.”

One of the leaders of the so-called “freedom convoy” was arrested as the interim police chief warned that action was “imminent”. Chris Barber was taken into custody on Thursday afternoon and was set to face criminal charges.



Hours later, Tamara Lich, another organizer of the convoy, was arrested in downtown Ottawa. Tamara had earlier tearfully told supporters she expected to be arrested. Both of the arrested leaders will face charges of mischief as well as counselling to commit mischief.

As snow fell heavily, police also arrested at least two other individuals. A speaker on the stage in front of parliament pleaded for protesters to “bring in the human reinforcements” amid fears that police could use the inclement weather to begin breaking up the blockade.

Earlier in the afternoon, the city’s deputy police chief said officers had planned for a number of scenarios after people ignored two formal warnings to leave the area immediately. “We want people to peacefully leave,” said Steve Bell said, adding: “But I can tell you that if they do not peacefully leave, we have plans, strategies and tactics to be able to get them to leave.” Police had established 100 checkpoints along a wide-ranging cordon around the city’s downtown.

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau urged on Thursday that 'these illegal and dangerous activities stop' as demonstrators have been blocking Parliament Hill for nearly three weeks.