At Least One Killed in Car Bomb Attack in Northern Syria (+Video)

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – At least one person was killed in a car bomb attack in northern Syria on Tuesday, local sources said.

The bomb, which was planted in a vehicle, exploded in the Syrian city of Azaz.

An investigation was launched into the attack, focusing on the possibility that it was planned by the YPG/PKK militants.


The US-backed militia group, operating from Syria’s Tal Rifaat and Manbij regions, often carries out attacks in Jarabulus, Azaz, Afrin, and al-Bab.

In another development, another Syrian was injured when US-backed QSD militia opened fire on people in al-Zabba village in Qamishli countryside.

Syrian Arab News agency, citing local sources reported that the QSD militia encircled al-Zabba village in Qamishli countryside and opened random fire on the residents while storming houses in the village, causing the injury of a citizen, who was later admitted to a nearby hospital.

The sources also said that the militia kidnapped 15 civilians from the village and took them to a military camp in the area.