Daesh Terrorists Relocated by US Military from Detention Centers in Syria’s Deir Ez-Zur to Hasakah

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – The US military is said to have relocated scores of Daesh Takfiri terrorists from detention centers maintained by allied Kurdish militias of the so-called Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) in Syria's eastern province of Deir Ez-Zur to facilities in the nearby province of Hasakah.

According to Syria's official news agency SANA, which cited anonymous local sources, American forces transported scores of militants on board heavy-duty inmate transports, which were escorted by SDF militias.

The sources added that American occupation forces took strict security measures and closed the road between Deir Ez-Zur and Hasakah for several hours during the evacuation process.

Several seized Daesh militants have already admitted to working closely with US military personnel stationed at al-Tanf camp in the central Syrian province of Homs on different terror and sabotage operations.

Several terrorists confessed to targeting Syrian government troops in and around the historic city of Palmyra, the Tiyas Military Airbase – also known as the T-4 Airbase, the Shaer gas field, and surrounding oil wells during confessions broadcast on Syria's state-run television network in May 2020.

“Once a close aide to our commander Hassan Alqam al-Jazrawi came to me and said he was in contact with the Americans at al-Tanf base. The man, whose name was Hassan al-Wali, added it was necessary to target Palmyra and T4 Airbase, and that US forces would provide us with rocket launchers and machine guns, besides financial support, cars and whatever we needed,” one of the terrorists said at the time.

He added, “Americans would also launch reconnaissance aircraft to monitor the movements of Syrian army soldiers in Palmyra region, and inform us of their activities.”

The US military has stationed forces and equipment in eastern and northeastern Syria, with the Pentagon claiming that the deployment is aimed at preventing the oilfields in the area from falling into the hands of Daesh terrorists.

Damascus, however, says the unlawful deployment is meant to plunder the country’s resources.

Former US president Donald Trump admitted on several occasions that American forces were in Syria for its oil.

After failing to oust the Syrian government with the help of its proxies and direct involvement in the conflict, the US government has now stepped up its economic war on the Arab country.