US Obstructionism in Sanctions Removal Main Hurdle in Vienna Talks: Source

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – An informed source described the US’ obstructionism in the process of lifting of economic sanctions against Iran as the main barrier hindering progress in the Vienna talks on the revival of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA).

Speaking to Tasnim, the well-informed source said the major problem in the Vienna talks relates to the sanctions targeting the individuals, companies and organizations which play an effective role in the economic advantages that Iran will enjoy in any agreement.

Since the beginning of the negotiations, Iran has been calling for the removal of those individuals, companies and entities from the so-called red list, the source said, adding that the US, however, has repeatedly procrastinated under various pretexts, has reneged on its promises, or has tied the removal of economic sanctions to the issues beyond the JCPOA.

“The Westerners and the Americans have been notified both in the official overt stances and in the negotiations with the P4+1 parties that there will be no agreement without the termination of those sanctions,” the source added.

It seems that the US is spending its time on psychological operations instead of focusing on the necessary political decisions about an agreement, the source noted, stating, “The US is aware that it requires an agreement more than every other party to the JCPOA. Thus, such obstructionisms and psychological operations will be more harmful to them (US).”

The Vienna discussions between Iran and the other parties to the Iran deal began in April on the assumption that the US, under the administration of Joe Biden, would be willing to rejoin the JCPOA.

Former US President Donald Trump abandoned the JCPOA in May 2018 in pursuit of illegal "maximum pressure" sanctions against Iran.