Flight Test Successful for IRGC’s Gaza Drone

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – The Islamic Revolution Guards Corps’ new wide-body drone passed its flight test in recent days, allowing for the shipment of payloads weighing half a ton.

The new heavy Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV), named Gaza, has come into operation after successful flight tests.

The wide-body drone was unveiled in May 2021.

With a wingspan of 21 meters, Gaza weighs 3.1 tons and can carry a payload of 500 kilograms.

It can be employed in various combat, surveillance and reconnaissance missions, as well as search and rescue operations and relief efforts after natural disasters and accidents.

Gaza has a flight endurance of 35 hours, service ceiling of 35,000 feet, and operational range of 2,000 kilometers.

Capable of carrying 13 bombs, Gaza can reach a velocity of 350 kilometers per hour.

Military commanders say the new drone is expected to improve the IRGC force’s intelligence dominance and capability to counter enemy threats.