US Mourners Call for Justice at Funeral of Black Man Killed by Police

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Mourners demanded justice at the funeral of Patrick Lyoya, a 26-year-old Black man, who was shot and killed by Michigan police.

Reverend Al Sharpton demanded at the funeral that authorities in the United States publicly identify the Michigan police officer who killed Patrick Lyoya, a native of the Democratic Republic of the Congo who was fatally shot in the back of the head this month.

“We want his name!” Sharpton said on Friday, as he spoke at Lyoya’s funeral.

Mourners, many of whom were wearing T-shirts or sweatshirts bearing Lyoya’s picture and the words “Justice for Patrick”, stood in applause.

US civil rights leader Al Sharpton asked justice officials to identify publicly the guilty officer who fatally shot Lyoya in the back of the head this month.

“We want his name!” Sharpton told the church packed with hundreds of mourners, including Lyoya's family and the families of other Black victims of police violence. "This cannot end today... We got to fight for him," he said.

Four videos released by US police from the incident show Lyoya was shot in the head while the officer was lying on top of him.

According to authorities, the officer is on paid leave while state police investigate whether to bring charges.

“Every time a young Black man or woman is arrested in this town, you put their name all over the news. Every time we’re suspected of something, you put our name out there,” Sharpton said. “How dare you hold the name of a man that killed this man? We want his name!”

Lyoya's death is the latest in a series of Black killings by US police that have sparked a wave of justice and anti-racism protests in recent years.

Since the killing of George Floyd by a US police officer in 2020, which caused widespread protests in the United States and around the world, the demand for litigation and the fight against racism in the United States has increased.