No Border Skirmish with Taliban: Iranian Minister

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Iran’s Minister of Interior Ahmad Vahidi dismissed reports about a clash between Iranian and the Taliban forces at the common border with Afghanistan, saying what has happened resulted from a misunderstanding.

Speaking to Tasnim on Wednesday, Vahidi rejected the media stories about a skirmish between the Iranian and the Taliban forces at the common border, sating, “No clash has taken place. What has occurred was based on a misunderstanding.”

“The Taliban believe that some border points must be under their control, but they are mistaken. Therefore, our border guards are there and have explained to them that what they conceive is wrong,” Vahidi added.

The interior minister noted that the armed presence of the Taliban at the border has triggered the “smart presence” of the Iranian forces near the frontier, although no skirmish has erupted.

On Saturday, a disagreement between the Iranian and Afghan border forces emerged when the Taliban wanted to build a road near the Islam Qala-Dogarun border crossing.

The border crossing was closed afterwards and the two sides stepped up their military presence along the common boundaries.