Iran Urges NAM’s Action against Israeli Violation of Palestinian Rights

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – The foreign minister of Iran called on the Republic of Azerbaijan to exercise leverage in its capacity as the rotating president of the Non-Aligned Movement in order to stop bloodshed in Palestine and take action against the Israeli atrocities.

Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amirabdollahian and his Azeri counterpart Jeyhun Bayramov talked about the bilateral cooperation between Tehran and Baku as well as a range of regional and international developments in a telephone conversation on Thursday.

The top Iranian diplomat underlined the need for the continued exchange of high-level delegations between the two countries, which he said has resulted in the promotion and expansion of relations.

Amirabdollahian also expressed hope that the results of the Joint Economic Commission of Iran and the Republic of Azerbaijan and also the other agreements between the two neighbors would be implemented as soon as possible.

He further referred to the control of the COVID pandemic in Iran and Azerbaijan and stressed the necessity of reopening the land borders between the two countries.

The Iranian minster then denounced the crimes committed by the Zionist regime in Palestine, especially in al-Aqsa Mosque, and expressed hope that given the rotating presidency of the Azerbaijan Republic in the Non-Aligned Movement, Baku would be able to use its capacities to play an effective role in stopping the bloodshed and the violation of the rights of Palestinians.

For his part, Bayramov expressed pleasure with the expansion of cooperation between the two countries.

He said the Republic of Azerbaijan welcomes the presence and activity of the Iranian companies in the reconstruction of the liberated Azeri areas.

Bayramov added that Baku hopes that with the appropriate decision of his country’s anti-COVID taskforce, the land borders of Iran and Azerbaijan would reopen soon.

He then underscored the joint support of the Islamic countries for the rights of the Palestinian brothers and sisters, saying the Republic of Azerbaijan is ready to receive, follow up and support the proposals about the Palestinian issue and defending the rights of the Palestinian people in NAM.

The two top diplomats also discussed a series of regional and international issues of mutual interest in the telephone conversation, the Iranian Foreign Ministry reported.