Lebanon in Forefront of Anti-Israeli Resistance: Iranian FM

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – The foreign minister of Iran praised Lebanon for being at the forefront of the battle against the Zionist regime of Israel, expressing Tehran’s readiness to broaden relations with Beirut in various fields.

Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amirabdollahian and his Lebanese counterpart Abdallah Bou Habib held a telephone conversation on the eve of the International Quds Day on Thursday evening.

In the phone call, the top Iranian diplomat condemned the Zionist regime’s move to kill and insult worshippers at al-Aqsa Mosque.

Referring to his consultations with the secretary general of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), Amirabdollahian called for the OIC’s serious probe into the recent crimes committed by the Israeli regime.

He also lauded the presence of Lebanon at the frontline of resistance, appreciating the Lebanese people, resistance and army for their confrontation with the Zionist regime.

Amirabdollahian then expressed hope that the upcoming elections in Lebanon would be held successfully, voicing Iran’s readiness to expand ties in all areas with the Arab country.

Iran welcomes closer relations with Lebanon in all spheres, he added, describing Lebanon’s role in the Arab world as important.

For his part, Bou Habib underlined the need for the enhancement of friendly relations with Iran.

He also expressed hope that after the Lebanese parliamentary elections, Iran and Lebanon would promote the exchange of diplomatic delegations.

The senior Lebanese diplomat strongly condemned the Zionist regime’s crimes in al-Aqsa Mosque and called for the Muslim world’s unity to support Palestine, the Foreign Ministry’s website reported.

The last Friday of the month of Ramadan, known as the International Quds Day, is an annual event during which demonstrators express their solidarity with the Palestinian people and opposition to the occupation of the Palestinian territories by the Zionist regime of Israel.

The day is seen as the legacy of the late founder of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Imam Khomeini, who officially declared the last Friday of the holy month of Ramadan as International Quds Day back in 1979.