Iran, Qatar Can Tackle Regional Challenges: President

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi described the capacities available in Tehran and Doha as a suitable ground for meeting the regional challenges.

In comments at a meeting with Emir of Qatar Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani, held in Tehran on Thursday, President Raisi referred to his successful visit to Doha in February, and described the relations between the two countries as brotherly.

"The Islamic Republic of Iran has proved its friendship to friends and brothers in difficult times, including Qatar,” Raisi added.

Highlighting the capacities of Iran and Qatar to develop bilateral, regional and international cooperation, the Iranian president stated, "The capacity of the two countries not only can serve the development of relations between us, but can also be a platform to address the challenges in the region."

He also stressed the need to develop economic and trade relations between Iran and Qatar and said, "Part of our agreements on the trip to Qatar have been implemented and in this meeting, we will discuss and decide to achieve its maximum potential. The development of cooperation between the two countries, especially in the fields of tourism, transit, port and maritime cooperation, energy, as well as the increase of trade and investment cooperation in recent months shows the determination of Tehran and Doha to develop relations."

"We want an end to the siege of Yemen, stability and a strong government in Iraq, the expulsion of the occupiers from Syria, and the formation of an inclusive government in Afghanistan," the Iranian president stated, according to his official website.

Iran's unique geographical, political and economic capabilities and advantages pave the way for the development of regional integration, security and prosperity for the nations of the region, Raisi added.

"Palestine is still the first issue of the World of Islam and the aggression of the Zionist regime against the Palestinian people must be stopped as soon as possible," he underlined.

For his part, the Emir of Qatar expressed satisfaction with the trip to Tehran, saying, "Your previous trip to Doha was very important and effective, and the history of relations between the two countries should be divided into two eras of before and after that trip, and we are seriously willing to implement all the agreements of that trip and expanding the relations between the two countries, especially in the trade and economic fields."

He also stated that Iran and Qatar have the same positions on many regional issues, adding, "We are ready to continue developing cooperation on Syria, Iraq, Palestine, Yemen and Afghanistan."

Referring to Iran's important role in various regional issues, Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad added, "It is necessary to protect the security and dignity of the nations of the region and the right to self-determination, but foreign interference has disrupted the living conditions in some countries in the region."

Emphasizing that Iran's power is in the interest of security and stability of the region, the Emir of Qatar referred to the need to lift sanctions against Iran and said, "Iran has resisted all kinds of attacks and pressures for more than 40 years and now, as the Westerners admit, it is Iran that has won this battle.”