Iran Urges Europe’s Action to Avert Harm to Regional Civilians

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – The foreign minister of Iran called on European and international organizations to adopt policies to alleviate the sufferings of the ordinary people, including women and children, in Afghanistan, Palestine and Yemen.

Deputy Foreign Minister of Slovakia Ingrid Brockova, who has traveled to Tehran to attend a political consultation meeting with the deputy foreign minister of Iran, met with Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amirabdollahian in Tehran on Tuesday.

Expressing satisfaction with the results of political consultations between the Iranian and Slovak deputy foreign ministries, Amirabdollahian announced Iran’s readiness to enhance and deepen political and economic cooperation at the bilateral level and in the international organizations.

The foreign minister also described Iran-Slovakia joint economic commission as a good opportunity to hold talks over new trade and economic areas.

Amirabdollahian pointed to the current developments in the region and also to Iran’s principled stance and its opposition to war and harming civilians, adding, "Unfortunately, in our region, including in Afghanistan, Palestine and Yemen, we witness heart-wrenching scenes of harm to ordinary people, women and kids.”

Amirabdollahian said it is necessary for the international and European institutions and organizations to adopt a proper approach and pay more attention to this issue.

For her part, Slovakia’s deputy foreign minister expressed satisfaction with political consultations between the two countries.

Brockova also underscored the significance of strengthening political and economic relations between Iran and Slovakia.