Iran Urges Int’l Action against Israeli Attacks on Syria

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – The spokesperson for the Iranian Foreign Ministry condemned the Zionist regime’s continued acts of aggression against Syria, calling on international organizations to give a decisive response to such Israeli crimes.

Answering questions from journalists on Monday, Saeed Khatibzadeh said the international community’s inaction on the continued acts of aggression by the Zionist regime against Syria and Israel’s brazen violation of international rules and regulations have encouraged that regime’s officials.

“No doubt the overt and covert supports from the US regime play an important role in increasing the occupying regime’s (Israel’s) boldness and impudence in such a way that it not only continues to occupy the Golan Heights of Syria, but also launches aerial and missile attacks on the infrastructures of the Syrian government and nation repeatedly,” he deplored.

Denouncing the Zionist regime for acting as the air force of terrorist groups throughout the Syrian crisis in recent years, Khatibzadeh said whenever the Syrian army and its allied forces defeat the terrorist groups, the Israeli warplanes take action immediately and launch strikes on Syria.

The Islamic Republic of Iran condemns the Zionist regime’s acts of aggression on Syria and stresses the need for an appropriate and decisive response, either in the field or at international organizations, he added.

Military sources said on Friday that Israeli surface-to-surface missiles had killed three people near the Syrian capital, Damascus.

The missiles came from the Israeli-occupied Golan Heights and some were intercepted by the Syrian air defenses.

The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights war monitor said the three people killed were military officers and four other members of an air defense crew were wounded.