Iran, Tajikistan Opposed to Foreign Presence in Region: Raisi

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Iran and Tajikistan share the view that outsiders have no place in the region, regional issues need to be resolved by its own countries, and an inclusive government should be formed in Afghanistan, Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi said.

In comments after a meeting with his Tajik counterpart Emomali Rahmon, held in Tehran on Monday, Raisi said the new agreements signed today would help the two countries make great strides in the enhancement of relations.

Iran and Tajikistan are determined to strengthen their political, economic, trade, and cultural ties and promote cooperation in various fields, such as the energy industry, tourism, science and technology, as well as the mining sector, the Iranian president noted, saying the two Persian-speaking nations can turn their bilateral ties into perfect regional and international relations.

“We hold a common view about regional issues and agree that outsiders should not be present in the region. The presence of outsiders (in the region) would by no means create security,” Raisi underlined.

He emphasized that regional issues should be resolved through dialogue, negotiations and meetings among the regional countries themselves.

The president also stated that Iran and Tajikistan maintain that an inclusive government should be formed in neighboring Afghanistan, one that represents all Afghan parties and ethnic groups.

“The security of Afghanistan is highly significant for the Islamic Republic of Iran and Tajikistan,” he noted, adding that Tehran and Dushanbe are both concerned about the presence of terrorists in Afghanistan and urge that the Afghan people should enjoy peace. 

Raisi also highlighted the common views of Iran and Tajikistan about the fight against terrorism, drug trafficking and organized crimes.

“Twenty years of presence of NATO and the US in Afghanistan resulted in nothing but war, bloodshed and destruction,” he deplored.

On Monday morning, the Iranian and Tajik presidents co-chaired a joint meeting of high-ranking delegations, at the conclusion of which the two sides signed 17 cooperation agreements.

The documents entail political, economic and trade cooperation between Tehran and Dushanbe, relations in the transportation sector, joint investment, new technologies, environmental issues, the energy sector, sports interaction, judicial cooperation, research and training, as well as the tourism industry.