Iran, Turkmenistan Move to Broaden Cooperation

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – The foreign ministers of Iran and Turkmenistan explored avenues for the promotion of mutual and multilateral cooperation between the two neighbors and the implementation of comprehensive agreements.

Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amirabdollahian and his Turkmen counterpart Rasit Meredow held a meeting in Tehran on Tuesday morning ahead of an official visit that President of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedow is going to pay to Iran on the 30th anniversary of establishment of diplomatic ties between the two nations.

Highlighting the strong foundations of expansion of relations between Tehran and Ashgabat, Amirabdollahian stressed the need for the full implementation of the comprehensive agreements and memorandums of understanding.

He also noted that Iran and Turkmenistan would cooperate on three main topics this year by holding the 17th session of the Joint Economic Commission, the 15th meeting of Joint Commission on Consular and Border Affairs, and a meeting of the Joint Committee of Political Consultations between the foreign ministries of the two neighbors.

For his part, Meredow said the Turkmen president’s forthcoming visit to Iran signifies the great importance that his country attaches to relations with Iran.

He said the Ashgabat government has prepared a series of documents and projects and hopes to bring them into operation during the presidential visit.

Meredow also emphasized the necessity for the bilateral and five-party cooperation to make arrangements for a summit meeting of the Caspian Sea states in Ashgabat.

The other subjects discussed in the meeting between the two senior diplomats included plans for protecting the Caspian Sea’s stability, security and environment, the developments in Afghanistan, and issues relating to the Central Asia region.