Spokesman Shrugs Off ‘Theatrical’ Flight of US, Israeli Warplanes over Persian Gulf

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – A senior spokesman for the General Staff of the Iranian Armed Forces slammed as a “theatrical move” a recent maneuver by the American B-52 bombers and Israeli fighter jets over the Persian Gulf.

Speaking to Tasnim on Monday, Brigadier General Abolfazl Shekarchi played down Israeli activities in the region and in a number of the Persian Gulf littoral states, saying they only reveal the Zionist regime’s frustration.

Denouncing the Israeli regime’s relations with certain regional countries, the general said, “The criminal Zionist officials have confessed to the pace of dissolution of their bloodthirsty regime.”

On the flight of American B-52 bombers and Israeli fighter jets over the Persian Gulf, the spokesman said, “This is a theatrical move.”

He warned the US that making any strategic mistake will result in it receiving “irreparable and more dangerous slaps” in the face from Iran.

In remarks in November 2021, Commander of the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) Major General Hossein Salami ruled out the possibility of a war against Iran, saying the enemy has become disappointed with military action on the Islamic Republic.

Military war on Iran has been dropped off the enemy’s list of options, the commander said, warning that the adversaries have instead targeted the Iranian people, their religion and their livelihood.