Iran, Tajikistan Set Up Joint Security Task Force

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Official from Iran and Tajikistan hailed the formation of a joint security task force that would coordinate action against terrorism, organized crimes and drug trafficking.

Iranian deputy interior minister for security and law enforcement, Majid Mirahmadi, has traveled to Dushanbe to take part in the first meeting of Iran-Tajikistan Joint Security Task Force.

In a meeting with Tajik Interior Minister Ramazon Rahimzoda, the Iranian official said the initiative to set up the joint task force would contribute to the security of both nations and counter the threats from the common enemies.

Expressing Iran’s readiness to help Tajikistan in maintaining security, Mirahmadi hoped that the joint task force would prepare the ground for such cooperation.

He also called for plans to lift the visa requirements for Iranian and Tajik travelers.

For his part, the Tajik interior minister emphasized the necessity of implementing the previous agreements with Iran.

Hailing the formation of the joint security task force, Rahimzoda said the Interior Ministry of Tajikistan is prepared to expand relations with Iran in the fight against terrorism, organized crimes and drug trafficking.

It is possible to combat regional threats and terrorism through close cooperation between the two countries, he added.

In May, Chief of Staff of the Iranian Armed Forces Major General Mohammad Hossein Baqeri traveled to Tajikistan for the purpose of boosting military and defense cooperation.

A week later, President of Tajikistan Emomali Rahmon paid an official visit to Iran and signed 17 cooperation agreements.

The documents entail political, economic and trade cooperation between Tehran and Dushanbe, relations in the transportation sector, joint investment, new technologies, environmental issues, the energy sector, sports interaction, judicial cooperation, research and training, as well as the tourism industry.