Iran, Pakistan Discuss Energy Cooperation

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – The president of Iran and the prime minister of Pakistan weighed plans to broaden cooperation between the two Muslim neighbors, specifically in the energy sector.

In a telephone conversation with Pakistani Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif on Saturday night, Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi congratulated the people and government of Pakistan on Eid al-Adha, saying Tehran attaches great significance to the expansion of ties with Islamabad.

“We are prepared to expand relations and increase the exchanges and cooperation between the two countries, particularly in the energy and agriculture sectors,” the Iranian president noted.

The Islamic Republic of Iran has no limits to the enhancement of ties with Pakistan, Raisi underlined, adding that regular meetings of the Economic Cooperation Joint Commission would pave the way for the expansion of bilateral relations.

“Iran is the best friend of the neighboring countries under various conditions,” the president noted.

For his part, Prime Minister Sharif congratulated the people, government and Leader of Iran on Eid al-Adha, expressing gratitude to the Islamic Republic for its assistance in extinguishing wildfires in Pakistan.

Hailing the age-old brotherly relations between Pakistan and Iran, Sharif stressed the need to convene a session of the Economic Cooperation Joint Commission as soon as possible and expressed Pakistan’s willingness to promote the exchange of commodities, barter systems, and cooperation with Iran in the energy industry.

He finally called for the restoration of peace and stability to Afghanistan, the improvement of life conditions for the Afghan people, and the efforts to enable the displaced Afghans to return to their country.